How Do You Measure Waste as You Pivoted From a Well-built Process to a New Process?

The waste is actually the same. Overproduction, transportation, motion, waiting, processing, inventory, and defects are all the same 7 wastes. Thankfully, those are universal. Our friends who are in healthcare have the same waste. Our friends who do design for Nordstrom have the same waste. The good news is that once you understand that waste is present and is the enemy of value, then wherever you go, you start to see it everywhere.

Why did Kaas Tailored start making PPE?

Every year I do a forecast and try to predict a little bit of the future. My forecast always includes bad things that might happen, and an epidemic or pandemic has been in my forecast for a number of years. A preamble to the story is that it’s important to be aware of the laws of nature and know that human beings occasionally face difficult things, like pandemics. This foresight enabled our team to be thinking about some of our options before we hit crisis mode. This helped us be able to react.

What is JIT Production?

JIT production is a method of production that relies on pull from our clients, letting demand dictate how much product we create.

What is One-piece Flow?

One-piece flow, also called continuous flow, refers to the way products move from one step in the process to the next—moving them efficiently by planning workflow based on the product and its needs, instead of the organization or equipment.

Truth, Bit, Pull

What is truth, bit, pull? It’s the Kaas Tailored way of explaining what we’ve learned from Kaizen, various lean tools, Lean Improvement, and the Toyota Way.

What is Kaizen?

When applied correctly, Kaizen reduces waste while humanizing the workplace. Kaizen is for everyone in an organization—from the CEO to the front lines.